There was traffic on the road and we were waiting for our bus but the needle of the brain was just stuck in one place to see if this traffic was the same a hundred years ago today.

 Why the young man were decided to innovate the journey?

Surely you must have guessed from our words which person we are referring to

If not so we introduce about such a personality.

Yes, today's title is Carl Benz and his invention that innovated in the field of travel and riding.


Born in Muhlberg, Germany, on 25 November 1844 he graduated with a degree in locomotive engineering from the University of Karlsruhe and died on 04 April 1929  at the age of "84".

Carl received professional training at various companies for a year and then started an iron factory in Mannheim with Ritter, which was later renamed.

The enterprise has been in a state of disrepair since its inception. The situation in the enterprise changed when Bertha Ringer (Carl's fiancé) bought shares in Ritter's company.

On 20 July 1872, Bertha and Carl were married.

Despite the bad situation, Carl continued to work on his new experiments in 1878.

He focused all his attention on the discovery of the two-stroke petrol engine, completed the discovery on 31 December 1879 , and registered his invention in 28 June 1880, demonstrating his experiences and inventions.


In 1882, The trouble started again for Carl when the bank imposed conditions on him to provide additional support due to unsustainable financial structure of the company and as a result Carl was left with only 5% of the shares.

So a year later, in the year 1883, He resigned from his corporation.

Carl's old hobby took him to a bicycle shop owned by K. Friedrich Wilhelm Ellinger. In 1883, the three of them started an industrial machinery company. Was known

It is important to mention here that until now all the common and special people used the same horse-drawn carriage which was known in the Indian subcontinent as Bugi and Tanga.

Benz & Co. began to make strides in the beginning, and with that success Carl began to work on his old idea and soon achieved great success based on his experience and passion.

Carl developed an automobile using three wire wells, a coil ignition and an advanced evaporation cooling system. Its ability to generate automatic power and its advanced cooling system enhanced its features.

Carl completed his creation in 1885, naming it the "Benz Patent Motor Wagon" and registering the first practical demonstration of his invention on January 29, 1886.

The following year, in 1887, a new model was introduced with several modifications.

After going through many trials and tribulations at the 1888 Expo, the final model was finally introduced. This model introduced a four-wheeled vehicle called the Wagon and was available for sale the following year.

The early model engine consisted of only two gears and was not capable of running on high and difficult mountain roads.

During one of his famous journeys, Bertha Benz, being a good companion (wife), not only suggested adding third gear to the engine but also played a key role in inventing the brake pads.


We are not saying that the engine we commonly use in our cars today is exactly the same.

But we must say that the credit for the development of the automobile industry today goes to Carl Benz and his wife.

Written By Syed Murtaza Hassan.

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