Electric Cars


By the way, in order to make his life easier, man is always busy in search of newer and more modern things but if we look at the times, the invention of man, while making his daily life easier, is also slowly causing the destruction of the surrounding environment, which is realized either too early or too late.

An electric car was invented as a result of such a feeling and making our invention environmentally friendly. Sir, our  today topic is a car that has not only been eco-friendly but also fast

(Here, in order to increase the knowledge of our esteemed readers, let us explain that an electric car is a car that is powered by electricity in a certain way.)

These electric cars were invented long before the invention of Carl Benz, but for some important reason did not gain much popularity.
The first electric car in the world was invented in 1828. The special feature of this invention is that various personalities played an important role in its development. The invention was founded in 1828 by an Hungarian engineer Anyos Istvan Jedlik, who developed a small electric model car.

First Electric Model Car
Anyos Istvan Jedlik

Later, in the seven-year period from 1832 to 1839, a crude electric car was introduced, invented by Robert Anderson of Scotland.

Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson Crude Electric Car

Meanwhile, In 1835, with the help of his assistant, Professor Sibrandus Stratingh from the Netherlands introduced a small electric car whose battery was not able to use again

Professor Sibrandus Electric Car
Professor Sibrandus Stratingh

In 1880, the first regular electric powered experimental car was reinforced by a series of inventions invented by the French electrical engineer Gustave Pierre Trouve.

Gustave Pierre Trouve

The French physicist Gaston Plante's invention of the high-powered lead-acid battery was instrumental in Gustave's invention, the design of this battery was innovated by Camille Alphonse Faure, an expert chemist from France.

First Experimental Electric Car

Gustav's car was manufactured with a help of small Siemens motor, a battery and a James Starley-made bicycle. On April 19, 1881, the car made its first successful experimental journey through the streets of Paris, But for some reason Gustav's invention could not be registered on his name.

Wait a minute, aren't you thinking that the journey of inventing and innovating electric car has ended here, then sir, it is not like that at all.

Exactly three years after Gustave's invention, In 1884, Thomas Parker, a well-known inventor and electrical engineer from England, developed a fully experimental car in which Parker used  special type of batteries.


Later, in 1888, Andreas Flocken, a German inventor, developed the first fully-used with the name of Flocken elektrowagen car for his company, the Maschinenfabrik A.


(Here, to add to the knowledge of our esteemed readers, let us say that France and the United Kingdom are the only countries in the world where extensive work has been done to invent, manufacture and innovate electric car.)

Like the rest of the world, the United States Of America invented the electric car, early in the race, William Morrison, a Scottish chemist, built the region's first electric car in Des Moines, Iowa, during the nine-year period from 1890 to 1891. Morrison's car was capable of carrying 6 peoples and had a speed of 23 kilometers per hour.

William Morrison Electric Car
William Morrison Ride On Electric Car

According to a conservative estimate, by the end of the eighteenth century, with the registration of 33,842 electric cars, the United States Of America(USA) was the only country in the world where electric cars were widely used. A major reason for the popularity of these car was the high class consumers, A great example of this popularity was the more than 60 electric taxis operated under the management of Samuel Electric Carriage & Wagon Company in New York City in 1897.


At the beginning of the twentieth century, many factories in the United States began to manufacture electric car for general use, In which (Anthony Electric, Baker, Columbia, Anderson, Edison, Milburn, Bailey Electric, Riker, Detroit Electric) and many famous names of companies are counted.

Anthony Electric Car
Bailey Electric Car
Baker Electric Car

Columbia Electric Car
Detroit Electric Car
Edison Electric Car

Milburn Electric Car
Riker Electric Car

But we cannot say that the United Kingdom is behind anyone in the race to use the electric car, In the last few years of the 19th century, Walter Charles Bersey, an electrical engineer from the United Kingdom, introduced the electric car as a taxi in London, which later became known as the Hummingbird because of its sound.

Walter Charles Bersey Cabs
Walter Charles Bersey
By the beginning of the twentieth century, electric car had begun to lose prominence and popularity, One of the major reasons for this is the new discoveries of Oil and Gas reserves all around the world, the improvement of road infrastructure in the 1920s and the reduction in the speed of electric car compared to gas-powered car and the high selling price in the market became a major cause of its decline, As a result, many electric car companies stopped working in 1910.

More than forty years after the decline of electric car, the electric car was developed in 1959 with the joint efforts of American Motor Corporation and Sonotone Corporation and the improved design of research. which name was Henny kilowatt. this car was manufactured by Henny Motor Company and  5.2 kilo Watt electric motor used and the speed of this car was 64 kilometer per hour.


The following year, a modern model was developed in 1960, but unfortunately only 47 such car were sold in those two years.


(Here, in order to increase the knowledge of our esteemed readers, let us point out that while these electric car have some flaws, they also have some features that make them one of the most advanced car in the world today, A great example of this is the Lunar Roving car, which was used to travel to the surface of the moon on July 31, 1971. The electric car consisted of four DC motors with 0.25 horsepower and two silver oxide batteries. It was able to run at a speed of 92 km per hour.)

Exactly 12 years later, In 1973, the UK-based Isle of Wight Company introduced the Enfield 8000, a two-seater electric car, The Enfield 8000 consisted of a 6-kilowatt motor and lead-acid batteries and was capable of traveling at a speed of 77 kilometer per hour.


Later, in 1990, the California-based Air Resources Board called for the creation of car that would not pollute the natural environment in order to reduce the risk of environmental pollution, As a result, automakers (Chrysler TEVan, Ford Ranger EV, General Motor EV1, Chevrolet S-10 EV and Honda EV-Plus) Such car were manufactured.


Chevrolet S-10 EV
General Motor EV1

Honda EV-Plus

Looking at the environmental pollution in the world today and the new diseases that are spreading due to it, it is clear that either the inventors in the eighteenth century who made eco-friendly inventions either he was fascinated by natural beauty or he was a far-sighted man who would watch the destruction of the natural environment with his own eyes for centuries to come.

Well, you don't have to be sad at all. This journey of innovating electric car is still going on and in the next few years, perhaps these car will be able to re-establish their reputation for being environmentally friendly. ۔

Be sure to let us know your valuable feedback, thanks for joining us in the blog - Syed Murtaza Hassan

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